Why women are missing out on money, time, and joy
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Why women are missing out on money, time, and joy

Be the authority over your own life
Selfie in my favorite hater blockers – loved by me, hated by many, zero fucks given by me

I'm feeling a little bit spicy as I write this. So maybe buckle up!

In the last week, I’ve found myself in conversations with friends, clients, and even a stranger at a party – all amazing ladies – all about ways we fuck ourselves over by giving away our power.

👩‍🎨 An artist nervous to reasonably charge for a piece someone asked to buy from her.

👩‍💼 An exec who sacrificed a personal boundary because she worried what her colleague might think.

💃 A bombshell turning down birthday cake because someone said it would make her gain weight.

These women are all absolute rockstars. Yet, they’ve fallen into the trap that so many of us have found ourselves in by putting more value on what others think of what we say or do or how we look than what *WE* think about ourselves!

The truth is, seeking external validation that we are good enough, smart enough, pretty enough, badass enough will NEVER bring lasting satisfaction.

If you’re always making decisions and moving through life based on someone else’s thoughts and opinions of you, you’re totally screwing yourself, friend.


Because opinions change! The relief you get from one moment of validation is temporary. You end up stuck in a cycle of self-doubt and have the urge to keep verifying people still think you’re great every time the wind blows.

What happens when you give away your power?

🙇‍♀️ You waste time and energy worrying about choosing wrong.

🤖 You cave to others’ wishes while ignoring your own.

💸 You leave money on the table.

🫠 You lose joy in what should be a fun moment.

Reclaiming your power, overcoming people-pleasing, and gaining confidence are some of the many things I work with my clients on through coaching. When you trust yourself to be the authority in your life, there is nothing to stand in the way of your success.

Want to learn more? CLICK HERE to book a free 20 minute, pitch-free call!

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